Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Steve 'Cyborg' Mann Assaulted In France For Wearing Mobile ...

?Cyborg Rights
The self-proclaimed father of wearable computing, Steve Mann has written a lengthy blog post that details what may be the begining of an anti-technology trend. During a recent holiday in Paris, Mann says that McDonald?s employees allegedly assaulted him and tried to physically remove a his wearable computing eyepiece.
University of Toronto computer engineering professor Steve Mann has written a lengthy blog post that details what may be the begining of an anti-technology trend.?During a recent holiday in Paris, Mann says that McDonald?s employees allegedly assaulted him and tried to physically remove a his wearable computing eyepiece.

Mann has been wearing the device called the EyeTap in various forms for more than 13 years.

Like Google?s Project Glass augmented reality glasses, the experimental EyeTap both displays information in Mann?s field of view and functions as a camera. Unlike Google Glass, however, this device was ?permanently attached,? as Mann writes, and ?does not come off my skull without special tools.?

As Mann and his family were sitting in the establishment eating, he says, a McDonald?s employee pulled at the device, damaged it, then tore up a doctor?s note he offered them to explain why he needed to wear it, and finally?aggressively?pushed him out of the restaurant.

Mann has posted the following plea for help on his blog:
I tried on many occasions to contact McDonald's but have not received any response. As McDonand's does not publish any direct contact email information, I used the whois database to find some email addresses, e.g. of domains like "" and emailed those addresses.

My attempts included filling out various online forms on but to no avail. I also tried calling the main number, at 1-800-244-6227, but got a voice recording that was totally unintelligible (very loud and distorted), and it appears this number does not work.

I also contacted the Embassy, Consulate, Police, etc., without much luck.

In my research, I came across Penny Sheldon, a travel agent from Boise, Id., who was physically assaulted by McDonalds staff in Paris, France, because she photographed their menu. This seems surprising because many people use a handheld camera as a seeing aid to magnify and read signs, etc. (zooming into a picture to see it on screen).

Penny Sheldon contacted the Police in Paris, but did not receive much help from them.
I'm not seeking to be awarded money. I just want my Glass fixed, and it would also be nice if McDonald's would see fit to support vision research.

I don't have the resources to take on a branch of a large multi-national corporation operating in a distant country, but I could use some help and advice as to how to resolve this matter, how to ensure it doesn't happen again to me or anyone else wearing Eye Glass, and what can be done to advance Digital Eye Glass research in not just the technological realm, but also the realm of social responsibility and "culture and technology.

Best regards,


SOURCE ?Eyetap, Forbes


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