There are new science standards in Kentucky, which I believe are the ones outlined on this page.? They mandate understanding of evolution (as a fact! OMG!) and an acceptance that humans are causing global warming. I give a sample of each.
Here are the standards for evolution in high school (grades 9-12), which include good stuff like this:
And for ?Earth and human activity? (including climate change):
Of course, Kentucky being where it is, its good citizens (I use that term loosely) aren?t going to let this rest, and, according to, a hearing in Frankfort, Kentucky brought out all the yahoos, and it was quite a fracas:
Supporters and critics of Kentucky?s new science education standards clashed over evolution and climate change Tuesday amid a high-stakes debate on overhauling academic content in public schools.
Opponents ridiculed the new standards as ?fascist? and ?atheistic? and said they promoted thinking that leads to ?genocide? and ?murder.?
Supporters said the education changes are vital if Kentucky is to keep pace with other states and allow students to prepare for college and careers.
Nearly two dozen parents, teachers, scientists and advocacy groups commented at a state Department of Education hearing on the Next Generation Science Standards ? a broad set of guidelines that will revamp content in grades K-12 and help meet requirements from a 2009 law that called for improving education.
On the pro side, a few scientists spoke:
?Students in the commonwealth both need and deserve 21st-century science education grounded in inquiry, rich in content and internationally benchmarked,? said Blaine Ferrell, a representative from the Kentucky Academy of Sciences, a science advocacy group that endorses the standards.
Dave Robinson, a biology professor at Bellarmine University, said neighboring states have been more successful in recruiting biotechnology companies, and Kentucky could get left behind in industrial development if students fail to learn the latest scientific concepts.
But they were outnumbered by outraged parents opposed to the ?fascistic and atheistic standards? (how could a good science standard be anything but atheistic, at least in terms of leaving out God?). Read and weep. I?ve put these in bold; they?d be funny if they weren?t so crazy and sad:
But the majority of comments during the two-hour hearing came from critics who questioned the validity of evolution and climate change and railed against the standards as a threat to religious liberty, at times drawing comparisons to Soviet-style communism.
One parent, Valerie O?Rear, said the standards promote an ?atheistic world view? and a political agenda that pushes government control.
Matt Singleton, a Baptist minister in Louisville who runs an Internet talk-radio program, called teachings on evolution a lie that has led to drug abuse, suicide and other social afflictions.
?Outsiders are telling public school families that we must follow the rich man?s elitist religion of evolution, that we no longer have what the Kentucky Constitution says is the right to worship almighty God,? Singleton said. ?Instead, this fascist method teaches that our children are the property of the state.?
At one point, opponent Dena Stewart-Gore of Louisville also suggested that the standards will marginalize students with religious beliefs, leading to ridicule and physiological harm in the classroom, and create difficulties for students with learning disabilities.?The way socialism works is it takes anybody that doesn?t fit the mold and discards them,? she said, adding that ?we are even talking genocide and murder here, folks.?
These statements are beyond belief. Communism? Atheistic world view? Evolution as a cause of suicide and drug abuse? Physiological harm to students? Evolution as a ?rich man?s elitist religion??? And yes, children are property of the state when it comes to how they?re taught science in public schools.? Can you imagine the result if the parents of Kentucky voted on the school currriculum? It would be back to flood geology!
These standards still need to be approved by the school board, and then forwarded to the legislature for approval.? In the meantime, the people of Kentucky should grow up and accept the facts.
h/t: Ant
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