Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Constructive Feedback University: Tamron Hall & Jay-Z - How The Progressive-Fundamentalist Failure To Develop "The Least Of These" After Past Investments Can Be Spun Into Support By Present Day Advocacy

If You Are The Forces That RECEIVED THE VALUABLES From These Striking Low Skilled / Low Pay Workers After Promising Them STRUCTURAL DEVELOPMENT That Did Not Come - WOULD YOU STAND OPPOSED TO THEIR EFFORTS - Or ECHO THEM - Knowing That They WILL LOOK PAST YOUR FAILURES, Turing It Into APPRECIATION?

Why is it that Tamron Hall of MSNBC can't bring herself to note that these are the people who would be "Factory Workers" - the REPLACEMENT WORK after the industrial jobs left BUT THE PROGRESSIVES GAINED DOMINATE POWER IN OUR BIG CITIES are now "McJobs".

Someone please explain to me why INDUSTRIALISTS are expected to PRODUCE JOBS but the PROGRESSIVES who retain the loyalties of THE LEAST OF THESE, now controlling these MISSION ACCOMPLISHED ZONES are excused from their failure to create SKILLED JOBS commensurate with the demands for goods and services that the marketplace that they have political control over.

When You Don't Capture All Of The VALUABLES That Have Been Transacted Over Time - YOU CAN'T HELP But To Believe That Those Who GIVE "The Least Of These" A VOICE TODAY - Should Be THANKED Rather Than Have A RETRAINING ORDER Placed Upon Them For Their Previous Theft.

You only need to AFFIRM WHAT THEY BELIEVE and they will show appreciation that you gave them voice in the media.


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