Thursday, August 1, 2013

NFL trying to resuscitate the Pro Bowl with new format

Green Bay - The National Football League, in an attempt to resuscitate the practically unwatchable Pro Bowl, has decided to change the format for picking teams.

The league finalized what a number of media outlets had reported earlier would be a "fantasy football" format in which there will be no AFC vs. NFC, but rather two all-star teams voted on in the traditional manner and then divvied up through a fantasy-style draft.

Selection to the Pro Bowl will still come through a process in which?fans, coaches and players will vote and account for one-third each of the final tally. However, the top players at each position, regardless of conference, will be selected to the Pro Bowl pool.

For example, six quarterbacks were named in the past, three from each conference. Now, the top six overall will make up the Pro Bowl quarterback class.

Once the?players are chosen, two leading vote getters along with two fantasy football champions will draft the teams. In addition,?Pro Football Hall of Famers Jerry Rice and Deion Sanders will serve as alumni team captains, assisting the two sides in the draft process.

The idea for the new format came from the NFL Players Association and its president Dominique Foxworth and has been endorsed by commissioner Roger Goodell.

?We were very receptive to the ideas that Domonique and the players put forth,? Goodell ?said in a press release. ?From there, our office worked closely with him in developing the concept. The players made it clear that they wanted to continue the Pro Bowl and were committed to making it better than ever. We think these changes will enhance the game for both fans and players.?

The Pro Bowl player draft will air on NFL Network on January 22 and the game will take place Sunday, January 26 at Aloha Stadium in Honolulu, Hawaii.

The NFL also listed these changes in the playing rules for the Pro Bowl game:

Game within the Game ? A two-minute warning will be added to the first and third quarters and the ball will change hands after each quarter. This will increase the opportunities for quarterbacks to direct ?two-minute drills,? which are especially exciting for fans.

No Kickoffs ? The coin toss will determine which team is awarded possession first. The ball will be placed on the 25-yard line at the start of each quarter and after scoring plays.

Rosters ? The rosters will continue to consist of 43 players per squad. The kick return specialist will be replaced by an additional defensive back.

Cover Two and Press Coverage ? The defense will be permitted to play ?cover two? and ?press? coverage. In previous years, only ?man? coverage was permitted, except for goal line situations.

Stopping of the Game Clock ? Beginning at the two-minute mark of every quarter, if the offense does not gain at least one yard, the clock will stop as if the play were an incomplete pass. This rule will make the team with the ball attempt to gain yardage toward the end of each quarter.

Game Timing ? The game clock will start after an incomplete pass on the signal of the referee, except inside the last two minutes of the first half and the last five minutes of the second half.

Play Clock ? A 35-second/25-second play clock will be adopted instead of the typical 40-second/25-second clock.

Sacks ? The game clock will not stop on quarterback sacks outside of the final two minutes of the game. Currently, the game clock stops in these situations outside of two minutes of the second and fourth quarters.

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