Fusion-io Unveils 1.6 TB ioFX for Workstation Applications High Capacity ioFX
Delivers Peak Performance for Professional Computer Graphics Applications including 4K Visual Effects Production, Stereoscopic 3D, Digital Intermediate, Computer Assisted Design and Video Editing
LAS VEGAS ? April 7, 2013 [National Association of Broadcasters 2013 trade show] ? Fusion-io (NYSE: FIO) today announced that the ioFX workstation acceleration platform is now available with 1.6 TB of capacity, in addition to the original 420 GB form factor. The high capacity ioFX is ideal for video editing, computer assisted design (CAD), 4K and stereoscopic production, as well as digital intermediate (DI) finishing.
"Digital production is undergoing a resolution revolution as production moves to 4K and beyond, while production budgets and deadlines continue to tighten," said Vincent Brisebois, Fusion-io Director of Visual Computing. "To overcome these opposing forces, the Fusion ioFX can help digital artists efficiently deliver creative work faster, even when faced with the most demanding production requirements. Fusion-io is proud to collaborate with industry leading software developers and hardware companies to deliver breakthrough acceleration for the tools used by professional artists worldwide."
Based on the Fusion ioMemory platform trusted to accelerate data centers around the world, the 1.6 TB Fusion ioFX significantly improves workstation application performance. The Fusion ioFX removes traditional data storage bottlenecks to allow high performance CPUs and graphics processing units (GPUs) to operate at their full potential, enabling artists to composite, edit, playback and finish digital content with significantly greater speed and efficiency. The ioFX is also ideal for encoding, transcoding, particle simulations and working with large amounts of cached data.
Connecting via PCI Express, the ioFX is also available in a 420 GB capacity to provide artists with choice in selecting the ideal capacity for their applications. To help professionals maximize the capabilities of today's powerful applications for digital content creation, Fusion-io has worked closely with the industry's leading entertainment hardware and software providers to optimize the ioFX for visual effects production. "NVIDIA GPUs provide powerful performance to professional workstations, which is further boosted with the ioFX high speed memory platform," said Greg Estes, industry executive, media and entertainment, NVIDIA. "ioFX dramatically increases the amount of high-resolution content that can be sent to NVIDIA Quadro graphics boards for processing at extremely high speeds, enabling better artist interactivity and, ultimately, better client satisfaction for our customers."
"ASSIMILATE SCRATCH has earned its reputation for high performance by delivering 4K performance to DI and post facilities since 2007," said Steve Bannerman, VP of Marketing, ASSIMILATE. "The combination of SCRATCH and the 1.6 TB ioFX offers studio-grade performance to a far broader range of artists, even those reviewing dailies on set. Higher capacity acceleration is an ideal way to ensure maximum efficiency, either in post or on location, where meeting tight schedules is essential to staying within budget."
"From accelerating 3D painting in MARI, to reviewing shots in HIERO, to compositing in NUKE, Fusion ioFX adds powerful acceleration that can significantly enhance our applications," said Bruno Nicoletti, Head of Technology and Founder at The Foundry. "All of our software is designed to remove as many technical barriers from production as possible, and Fusion-io acceleration takes that one step further with the ioFX integrated into artist workstations. As the amount of data artists work with in today's high resolution formats continues to increase, the ioFX can help creatives spend more time manipulating their work with much more interactivity than before."
Fusion ioMemory software enables Fusion-io products to transparently deliver peak performance through an advanced operating system architecture that cuts through the latency introduced by hard drives and solid state disks. Fusion ioMemory products such as the ioFX also include Fusion ioSphere remote monitoring and management software, allowing IT teams to monitor and manage all Fusion-io solutions deployed throughout a studio from a single interface.
NAB 2013 attendees can see the ioFX in action at a number of leading Fusion-io software and hardware Technology Alliance Program member booths. A complete list of locations is available on the Fusion-io blog. The 1.6 TB Fusion ioFX will be available in summer 2013. List price will be disclosed when the product is released. The 420 GB ioFX is available now from Fusion-io and Value Added Resellers around the world for a list price of $1995 USD. To order or learn more about the ioFX, please visit www.fusionio.com/iofx.
Fusion-io to Integrate ioFX Acceleration Into HP Z Workstations Industry Leaders Enhance Application Performance in Visual Effects, Digital Content Creation and Computer Assisted Design for Demanding Creative Projects
LAS VEGAS ? April 7, 2013 [National Association of Broadcasters Tradeshow] ? Fusion-io (NYSE: FIO) today announced that it is collaborating with global workstation leader HP to integrate the Fusion ioFX into the award-winning HP Z820, Z620 and Z420 Workstations. The integrated solutions will offer ideal development platforms for professional artists in visual effects, upstream exploration of oil and gas, digital content creation (DCC) and computer-aided design (CAD).
In addition, professionals interested in adding the Fusion ioFX to their current HP Workstation can purchase the ioFX as a custom integration component. "I consider HP one of the best engineering companies in the world, so I'm thrilled to see HP and Fusion-io working together to advance workstation computing architectures," said Steve Wozniak, Fusion-io Chief Scientist. "The Fusion ioFX brings the intelligence of the Fusion-io approach to HP's incredible workstations, adding even more powerful application performance to the precision engineering HP is known for around the world." The Fusion ioFX provides unprecedented application acceleration to leading workstation applications such as those from Adobe, Assimilate, and The Foundry. The new solution will integrate the Fusion ioFX into the powerful HP Z Workstations with Intel Xeon processors.
The architecture is designed to deliver an industry-leading platform for digital content creation applications by moving beyond the performance limitations and bottlenecks of traditional systems. "HP is the workstation industry leader, and our customers demand to be the first to get cutting edge solutions that deliver performance, reliability and innovation," said Jeff Wood, vice president of product management, Commercial Solutions Business Unit, HP. "Providing the Fusion ioFX in our high-end HP Z Workstations will offer customers improved performance to tackle their most challenging projects faster."
Tuned for sustained performance in multithreaded applications, the ioFX enables artists to work on 2K, 4K and 5K content interactively, in full resolution, as well as to manipulate stereoscopic content in real time. With powerful throughput to maximize NVIDIA GPU processing, the ioFX will slash application wait times in HP WZ Workstations to accelerate both the hardware and software essential to professional digital content creation.
NAB Show attendees can also see the ioFX in action at a number of leading Fusion-io software and hardware Technology Alliance Program member booths. A complete list of locations is available on the Fusion-io blog.
Source: http://www.engadget.com/2013/04/07/fusion-io-iofx-1-6tb-announces-hp/
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