The good news is that the antiques shop I opened in September is doing splendidly!
The store is called Dwell Antiques & Home and is located just outside of Denver, CO in the Cherry Hills Marketplace of Greenwood Village. We carry antique furniture - painted and unpainted dressers, desks, hutches, baker's racks, dining tables, side and end tables, night stands, headboards, etc. - as well as new and antique home decorating items - antique mirrors, frames, linens, silver, baskets, glassware, and other decor - gifts, beautiful jewelry, hand made treasures and so much more. We like to call Dwell a "lifestyle store."
I would love it if you followed us on the Dwell Antiques & Home Facebook page. We're also on Pinterest and are just getting our Etsy store started.
While I'll try to be here from time to time, the store is where I'm focusing most of my attention these days. Our goal is to be one of the best small antique stores in the Denver area. It's been a lot of hard work thus far, but it's also extremely rewarding and tons of fun.
Thanks for your support!
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