Thursday, August 2, 2012

maryland senate debating in school tuition for illegal immigrants why?

really why is this state even having a debate on this.these people make laws and expect citizens to follow why are they debating to give ILLEGAL immigrants in state tuition. arent they breaking the law?whats wrong with these left wing liberal democrats are they bent on destroying this country or what?
its not just things like this theyre doing that are destroying our country this is just one crazy example of one.this is definately a logical question.

Yes its fairly retarded.

But you have to keep in mind that less then 20% of the US Citizen population are as liberal as the liberal democrat party. The majority of Americans are slightly left or slightly right but fairly close to the middle but more tend to swap Conservative while fewer liberal on major real issues that would effect the government and people.

Now with that you can see the real voter base for the liberal progressive party is very very small and thus makes them have to lie to get in office more then any mainstream democrat or republican. But to stay in power they must find a source of "new" votes which for years they have been building through immigration legal and illegal. These immigrants both legal and illegal come from 3rd world uneducated societies who are much easier to manipulation and believing the government should support them. Their goal is to stay in power by legalizing these illegals who are far more inclined to a far socialist / communist agenda. Then also to bring in millions of legal immigrants from 3rd world countries as well who feel the same way. This gives them a voter base as through amnesty illegals gain a path to citizenship and legal immigrants already have that. Plus with current voter laws only citizens are allowed to vote legally but no checks are in place to check for citizen status for current voters. Millions of legal and illegal immigrants not citizens voted in 2010 and 2008 elections and will continue to do so and they will vote for whoever favors a socialist agenda that gives them more?. which is the liberal progressives who now control the democrat party in full.

This is further pressed by big labor who is the #1 supporter of the democrat party accounting for over 75% of the donations in 2010 elections of the democrat party. Big Labor mainly Big Public Labor has forced Union dues and members have no rights to deside who the Union supports, these screwed up laws mean more immigrants means more to unionize meaning more forced union dues which is more money.

So for the liberal democrats to keep illegals on their side and voting illegally they have to keep putting forth bills to advance the illegal agenda and hope they get enough done and then pass Amnesty before the sleeping elephant of the mainstream American People wake up to see whats going on across the country and see the real agenda.

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