Dangers of smoking to health and how to quit smoking, smoking is a small cylinder-shaped objects that it contains tobacco that has been mixed with other ingredients. Cigarette burn on the edges and then judged the smoke and removed again. Smoking has been around since ancient times, and now smoking is very prevalent. Sometimes people are less aware of the dangers of cigarettes , so they smoke a nice and relaxed whenever they could. In fact many ways to quit smoking , but if in the heart of the smokers are not really the intention to quit smoking will definitely come back again.
Healthy life really easy and cheap, but sometimes becomes a costly thing if we do not want to keep it. And when we are sick, then we realize the importance of health. Likewise with our smoking daily. Aka we feel the loss if we are suffering the effects of smoking. Dangers of smoking to health will be felt if we?re too old to smoke.
According to research someone who smoked cigarettes every day can increase the risk of cancer of the larynx, lung, esophagus, oral cavity, blood vessel disorders, disorders of pregnancy and heart disease. According to research someone who regularly smoked 3 to 4 cigarettes a day, eight times more at risk for oral cancer than nonsmokers. Even the latest results show that smoking will result in the development of pancreatic cancer.
Disadvantages of Smoking and Why Should Quit Smoking
A. Smoking is bad for everyone. It is not for everyone because smoking affects those around you especially your family members. Pregnant women can give birth premature, underweight or died after birth.
Two. Children who are exposed to cigarette smoke can cause children often sick with coughs, colds and ear infections, nose and throat, experienced the development of weak lungs, asthma
Benefits derived If Quit Smoking
* Live longer - One out of two smokers will die early due to illness related to smoking . Smoking kills nearly 5 thousand Malaysian citizens every year.
* Avoidance of dangerous substance - cigarette smoke contains about 4,000 chemicals and 50 of which can cause cancer.
* Prevention of diseases - nearly 40 types of disease associated with smoking. Lung cancer, heart disease, lung disease, stroke, and ulcers in the stomach skin are among the diseases the danger of smoking
* Living a more healthy non-smokers because they have less cough, flu and other respiratory illnesses compared to smokers
* Prevention of harm to others because when you smoke, it affects the people around you, where second-hand smoke can cause asthma and other respiratory diseases
* Being a good example, especially for families and children.
* Increase the level of fitness and have a healthy body
* Increased sense of smell and taste
* Having white teeth and fresh breath
* Hair and clothes do not smell of cigarette smoke
* Save money.
* Protect the environment from contamination of cigarette smoke.
* Cigarette butt thrown by smoker can cause fire.
Tips How To Stop Smoking Right and Effective Method
There are various methods to quit smoking. But make sure you learn the correct method and not mistaken calculation. The most important factor is your desire to make a statement. Efforts ladder of success.
A. Set a date to stop the target for all of you to stop smoking .
Two. Self confident and strong determination to stop smoking.
Three. Make reminder notes and stick it in any place that is easy to see you as a reminder.
4. Tell yourself ?I?m Not Smokers? and tekadkan on yourself ?I Can Quit Smoking!? /
Five. Always think positive.
6. Get support from their families and friends.
7. Drink coconut water to remove the sense of addiction to smoking.
Eight. Every time feels to smoke try to make something else delay until engrossed and forget the feeling of smoking.
9. Remove all cigarettes and cigarette boxes are still in storage.
9. 12M important practice to stop smoking
Quit Smoking Tips 12 M:
- Delay of told myself wait 5 minutes or until a moment to say you do not feel addicted to smoking.
- Deep breath of breath 3 times slowly.
- Drinking water in large quantities, especially drinking water. Avoid caffeinated beverages such as Nescafe and coffee.
- Busied themselves with do something to divert his mind and to forget the cigarettes.
- Stay away from people who smoke. Try keep your distance with friends who smoke until you actually managed to quit smoking.
- Avoid the situation or situations that lead to smoking, such as congregate or hang out with friends who smoke.
- Chew something like gum and fruit. Avoid sweet.
- Washing your hands often.
- Bathing regularly.
- Stretch the muscles by doing stretching exercises when feeling drowsy.
- Meditation is to calm yourself in order to think rationally.
- Pray is to pray to God to be strengthened resolve and increase efforts to stop smoking forever.
Quitting smoking is not easy, but not impossible to do. Many smokers have successfully quit smoking with a variety of ways. Today many countries already prohibit / restrict tobacco advertising. Smoking Fatwa Haram also has performed in many Islamic countries. So it?s time to quit smoking immediately begin the program.
Here are some tips to help you live without a cigarette.
1. Understand your reasons to quit
You must have a reason when making decisions to quit smoking? Do not use common reasons such as ?smoking is bad for health?, because it would not be enough. So terciptakan determination and strong self-motivation, you need a good reason and personal. For example: ?I want to protect your family from the dangers of toxins in cigarette smoke! Pick a good reason for you to withstand the temptation to smoke.
2. Confront Stress wisely
One reason people smoke is because nicotine makes them feel comfortable and relaxed. When you quit smoking, you need another way to cope with stress. Nothing wrong with you trying to to get a massage therapy spa / relaxation, listening to a soothing song or learn yoga. Whenever possible, avoid situations that make you stress during the first weeks of your quit smoking.
3. Avoid habits that drive you to smoke
Some specific activities may trigger your desire to smoke. For example, drinking coffee in the morning while smoking. If you?re used to it, try replacing coffee with tea for several weeks. If you used to smoke after a meal, try to find other activities to do after a meal, such as brushing your teeth or chew sugarless gum.
3. Clean the house of Cigarette Attributes
Dispose of all smoking attributes such as cigarette packs, ashtrays, lighters and lighter you. Wash all clothes clothes smell like smoke, and clean the carpets, curtains and other furniture made of fabric that can absorb the smell of smoke. Use deodorizers and air fresheners to help you eliminate the smell of smoke in your house, because the smell of cigarettes will stimulate you to return to smoking.
4. Let?s exercise!
Physical activity can reduce the craving for cigarettes and help you cope with nicotine withdrawal symptoms. When you feel like smoking, immediately divert your energy for running, walking fast, biking, or rollerblading. Needless to heavy exercise, the intensity is sufficient, for example, take your pet around the neighborhood or pulling weeds in your yard. Extra calories you burn will also help prevent weight gain that may occur when you quit smoking.
5. Choose Your Gifts
In addition to providing great health benefits, one of the benefits of quitting smoking is that you can save money that is usually used to buy cigarettes. Reward yourself by buying something you like from the money you save. Within one month of hundreds of thousands of dollars you save in one year and you quit smoking then there will be millions of dollars in your savings. These funds are enough to buy a special gift that you desire.
6. Do this for your Health
In a short time only, stop smoking immediately provide health benefits for you. Blood pressure and heart rate you will get better within 20 minutes after you quit smoking. Within 1 day, oxygen and carbon monoxide levels in your blood will return to normal, and reduced risk of heart disease. Long-term benefits that you can rasakan.vitalitas and also much improved free energy of impotence.
7. Create a New Community
Be prepared to look for a new community in the association. Influence the people around you more, than the sense of addiction to nicotine cigarettes themselves. Looking for new friends and companions in healthy non-smoking community is the best way.
8. Hate it relates to smoking
you will move the existing TV channels cigarette advertising. you are not willing to watch any events sponsored by tobacco. Your support anti-smoking program. You hate the smokers who smoke in any place. You do not want your child come to be smokers. You are concerned and angry to see young teen school uniforms have become smokers. eventually you will be free from smoking forever and anti.
9. Try and try again
Quitting smoking is not an easy struggle. Quite often ex-smokers will eventually relapse. Almost all ex-smokers have tried to quit many times before he could take the total from cigarettes forever. The best way to quit is a total stop immediately rather than gradually, but you have to find the right momentum when starting the program. and when it fails you should never give up to try again and again
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