Sunday, May 20, 2012

Keep Healthy: 4 Myths About Skin Cancer

You're never too old, or too young, to be making big mistakes when it comes to protecting your skin. Case in point: Melanoma rates are up across the board, but especially among women under 40, according to a new study by the Mayo Clinic. In fact, women under 40 are eight times more likely to get skin cancer now than they were in 1970.

Seems surprising, right? "Certainly sunscreens weren't used as much four decades ago," says lead researcher Jerry Brewer, MD, a dermatologist at the Mayo Clinic. But while people are aware of the danger of sun exposure and tanning beds, their behavior isn't changing, says Dr. Brewer.

It's not just the teenager mentality of nothing-bad-will-happen-to-me that's at play here, say experts. There are a number of misconceptions endangering everybody. Check out these skin care myths that could be putting your health at risk:?

Myth: A yearly mole check is all I need for screening.

Fact: If you're not at high risk for skin cancers, once a year is enough, says Marina Peredo, MD, a board-certified dermatologist in Smithtown, NY. But if you're fair, have a family history of melanoma, or have suffered several bad sunburns in your life, you should see a dermatologist every six months.

Myth: I should apply sunscreen as soon as I get to the beach.

Fact: Slather it on at least one hour before you enter the sun. "You need to give it a chance to absorb," says Tony Nakhla, MD, a dermatologist and author of The Skin Commandments. If you wait, you've already been exposed to harmful direct sunlight in the time it took you to walk from your car to the sand.

Myth: I need to get a base tan so I don't burn.

Fact: Pair that mentality with some fair genetics and it's a melanoma breeding ground, says Dr. Nakhla. When you give yourself a "base," you're essentially double-dipping in harmful UVA/UVB rays. There is no such thing as a base tan, tanned skin is damaged skin, and damaged skin is, well, damaged.

Myth: My skin's naturally dark and never burns so I don't need sunscreen.

Fact: "Skin cancer is color-blind," says Jeanine Downie, MD, a dermatologist in Montclair, NJ, and coauthor of Beautiful Skin of Color. In fact, skin cancer rates are increasing among Latinos. Plus, those with dark skin may not recognize the early stages of skin cancers as easily as people with light skin.

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Dangers of smoking to health and how to quit smoking | DISTRO42

Dangers of smoking to health and how to quit smoking

Dangers of smoking to health and how to quit smoking, smoking is a small cylinder-shaped objects that it contains tobacco that has been mixed with other ingredients. Cigarette burn on the edges and then judged the smoke and removed again. Smoking has been around since ancient times, and now smoking is very prevalent. Sometimes people are less aware of the dangers of cigarettes , so they smoke a nice and relaxed whenever they could. In fact many ways to quit smoking , but if in the heart of the smokers are not really the intention to quit smoking will definitely come back again.

Healthy life really easy and cheap, but sometimes becomes a costly thing if we do not want to keep it. And when we are sick, then we realize the importance of health. Likewise with our smoking daily. Aka we feel the loss if we are suffering the effects of smoking. Dangers of smoking to health will be felt if we?re too old to smoke.

Dangers of smoking to health and how to quit smoking

According to research someone who smoked cigarettes every day can increase the risk of cancer of the larynx, lung, esophagus, oral cavity, blood vessel disorders, disorders of pregnancy and heart disease. According to research someone who regularly smoked 3 to 4 cigarettes a day, eight times more at risk for oral cancer than nonsmokers. Even the latest results show that smoking will result in the development of pancreatic cancer.

Disadvantages of Smoking and Why Should Quit Smoking

A. Smoking is bad for everyone. It is not for everyone because smoking affects those around you especially your family members. Pregnant women can give birth premature, underweight or died after birth.

Two. Children who are exposed to cigarette smoke can cause children often sick with coughs, colds and ear infections, nose and throat, experienced the development of weak lungs, asthma

Benefits derived If Quit Smoking

* Live longer - One out of two smokers will die early due to illness related to smoking . Smoking kills nearly 5 thousand Malaysian citizens every year.

* Avoidance of dangerous substance - cigarette smoke contains about 4,000 chemicals and 50 of which can cause cancer.

* Prevention of diseases - nearly 40 types of disease associated with smoking. Lung cancer, heart disease, lung disease, stroke, and ulcers in the stomach skin are among the diseases the danger of smoking

* Living a more healthy non-smokers because they have less cough, flu and other respiratory illnesses compared to smokers

* Prevention of harm to others because when you smoke, it affects the people around you, where second-hand smoke can cause asthma and other respiratory diseases

* Being a good example, especially for families and children.

* Increase the level of fitness and have a healthy body

* Increased sense of smell and taste

* Having white teeth and fresh breath

* Hair and clothes do not smell of cigarette smoke

* Save money.

* Protect the environment from contamination of cigarette smoke.

* Cigarette butt thrown by smoker can cause fire.

Tips How To Stop Smoking Right and Effective Method

There are various methods to quit smoking. But make sure you learn the correct method and not mistaken calculation. The most important factor is your desire to make a statement. Efforts ladder of success.

A. Set a date to stop the target for all of you to stop smoking .

Two. Self confident and strong determination to stop smoking.

Three. Make reminder notes and stick it in any place that is easy to see you as a reminder.

4. Tell yourself ?I?m Not Smokers? and tekadkan on yourself ?I Can Quit Smoking!? /

Five. Always think positive.

6. Get support from their families and friends.

7. Drink coconut water to remove the sense of addiction to smoking.

Eight. Every time feels to smoke try to make something else delay until engrossed and forget the feeling of smoking.

9. Remove all cigarettes and cigarette boxes are still in storage.

9. 12M important practice to stop smoking

Quit Smoking Tips 12 M:

  1. Delay of told myself wait 5 minutes or until a moment to say you do not feel addicted to smoking.
  2. Deep breath of breath 3 times slowly.
  3. Drinking water in large quantities, especially drinking water. Avoid caffeinated beverages such as Nescafe and coffee.
  4. Busied themselves with do something to divert his mind and to forget the cigarettes.
  5. Stay away from people who smoke. Try keep your distance with friends who smoke until you actually managed to quit smoking.
  6. Avoid the situation or situations that lead to smoking, such as congregate or hang out with friends who smoke.
  7. Chew something like gum and fruit. Avoid sweet.
  8. Washing your hands often.
  9. Bathing regularly.
  10. Stretch the muscles by doing stretching exercises when feeling drowsy.
  11. Meditation is to calm yourself in order to think rationally.
  12. Pray is to pray to God to be strengthened resolve and increase efforts to stop smoking forever.

Quitting smoking is not easy, but not impossible to do. Many smokers have successfully quit smoking with a variety of ways. Today many countries already prohibit / restrict tobacco advertising. Smoking Fatwa Haram also has performed in many Islamic countries. So it?s time to quit smoking immediately begin the program.

Here are some tips to help you live without a cigarette.

1. Understand your reasons to quit
You must have a reason when making decisions to quit smoking? Do not use common reasons such as ?smoking is bad for health?, because it would not be enough. So terciptakan determination and strong self-motivation, you need a good reason and personal. For example: ?I want to protect your family from the dangers of toxins in cigarette smoke! Pick a good reason for you to withstand the temptation to smoke.

2. Confront Stress wisely
One reason people smoke is because nicotine makes them feel comfortable and relaxed. When you quit smoking, you need another way to cope with stress. Nothing wrong with you trying to to get a massage therapy spa / relaxation, listening to a soothing song or learn yoga. Whenever possible, avoid situations that make you stress during the first weeks of your quit smoking.

3. Avoid habits that drive you to smoke
Some specific activities may trigger your desire to smoke. For example, drinking coffee in the morning while smoking. If you?re used to it, try replacing coffee with tea for several weeks. If you used to smoke after a meal, try to find other activities to do after a meal, such as brushing your teeth or chew sugarless gum.

3. Clean the house of Cigarette Attributes
Dispose of all smoking attributes such as cigarette packs, ashtrays, lighters and lighter you. Wash all clothes clothes smell like smoke, and clean the carpets, curtains and other furniture made of fabric that can absorb the smell of smoke. Use deodorizers and air fresheners to help you eliminate the smell of smoke in your house, because the smell of cigarettes will stimulate you to return to smoking.

4. Let?s exercise!
Physical activity can reduce the craving for cigarettes and help you cope with nicotine withdrawal symptoms. When you feel like smoking, immediately divert your energy for running, walking fast, biking, or rollerblading. Needless to heavy exercise, the intensity is sufficient, for example, take your pet around the neighborhood or pulling weeds in your yard. Extra calories you burn will also help prevent weight gain that may occur when you quit smoking.

5. Choose Your Gifts
In addition to providing great health benefits, one of the benefits of quitting smoking is that you can save money that is usually used to buy cigarettes. Reward yourself by buying something you like from the money you save. Within one month of hundreds of thousands of dollars you save in one year and you quit smoking then there will be millions of dollars in your savings. These funds are enough to buy a special gift that you desire.

6. Do this for your Health
In a short time only, stop smoking immediately provide health benefits for you. Blood pressure and heart rate you will get better within 20 minutes after you quit smoking. Within 1 day, oxygen and carbon monoxide levels in your blood will return to normal, and reduced risk of heart disease. Long-term benefits that you can rasakan.vitalitas and also much improved free energy of impotence.

7. Create a New Community
Be prepared to look for a new community in the association. Influence the people around you more, than the sense of addiction to nicotine cigarettes themselves. Looking for new friends and companions in healthy non-smoking community is the best way.

8. Hate it relates to smoking
you will move the existing TV channels cigarette advertising. you are not willing to watch any events sponsored by tobacco. Your support anti-smoking program. You hate the smokers who smoke in any place. You do not want your child come to be smokers. You are concerned and angry to see young teen school uniforms have become smokers. eventually you will be free from smoking forever and anti.

9. Try and try again
Quitting smoking is not an easy struggle. Quite often ex-smokers will eventually relapse. Almost all ex-smokers have tried to quit many times before he could take the total from cigarettes forever. The best way to quit is a total stop immediately rather than gradually, but you have to find the right momentum when starting the program. and when it fails you should never give up to try again and again

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Saturday, May 19, 2012

Student dies, 7 hurt in blast near Italian school

ROME (AP) ? A bomb exploded Saturday outside an Italian high school named after a slain anti-Mafia prosecutor, killing a teenage girl and wounding several other classmates, officials said.

The device went off a few minutes before 8 a.m. in the Adriatic port town of Brindisi in the country's south just as students milled outside, chatting and getting ready for class at the Morvillo-Falcone vocational institute.

The school is named in honor of prosecutor Giovanni Falcone and his wife, Francesca Morvillo, a judge who was also killed in a 1992 highway bombing in Sicily by the Cosa Nostra.

The victim was identified as 16-year-old Melissa Bassi, from the nearby town of Mesagne, the town's mayor Franco Scoditti said.

Dr. Paola Ciannamea, a Perrino physician who helped treat the injured, told reporters that one of the injured was a teenage girl who was in a grave but stable condition after surgery. She added that surgery was still being performed on others.

Officials said at least seven students were injured, but some news reports put the figure at 10. Perrino Hospital health director Graziella Di Bella said most of the injured suffered burns and shrapnel-like wounds.

"The explosion sent out fragments and flames ... pieces of iron," Di Bella told Sky TG24 TV in an interview. She said a team of four psychologists were working with the students.

"One of the (injured) girls asked me: 'What do we have to do with this?" Di Bella said, adding the students were feeling a sense of "disorientation, terror" as well as anger.

Most of the pupils at the school, which trains students for jobs in fashion and social services, are females.

There were no immediate claims of responsibility for the attack.

Italy has been marking the 20th anniversary of the attack on the Sicilian highway that killed the prosecutor and his wife, but it was unclear if there was an organized crime link to Saturday's explosion.

In Brindisi, local civil protection agency official Fabiano Amati said the female student died of her wounds after being taken to a hospital and at least seven other students were hospitalized. Sky TG24TV reported the victim was a 16-year-old girl.

One of the shaken students who witnessed the attack told reporters that one injured girl, her hair charred, screamed the name "Melissa, Melissa" when she realized her friend was gravely injured.

Interior Minister Anna Maria Cancellieri, in charge of domestic security, said she was "struck" by the fact that the school was named after the slain hero and his wife, but she cautioned that investigators at that point "have no elements" to blame the school attack on organized crime.

"It's not the usual (method) for the Mafia," she told Sky in a phone interview. The Sicilian-based Cosa Nostra usually targets specific figures, such as judges, prosecutors, turncoats or rival mobsters in attacks, and not civilian targets such as schools.

"The big problem now is to get intelligence" on the attack, said Cancellieri. She added that she had spoken by phone with Italian Premier Mario Monti, who is in the United States for the G-8 summit.

Monti's office said that the premier, informed during the night of the blast, has ordered flags flown at half-mast for the next three days. He pledged that the government would work to crack down on crime and to "favor the maximum cohesion of all political and social forces to prevent the return in our country of subversive attacks," a statement said.

National police chief Antonio Manganelli told Sky TG24 in a phone interview that Italy's "best investigators" had been dispatched to Brindisi to determine who was behind the attacks. National anti-Mafia prosecutor Piero Grasso arrived and surveyed the blast scene without making comments to reporters.

Manganelli said there were "shadows" of doubt clouding the hypothesis that the school blast was caused by organized crime because the Sicilian-based Mafia usually targets precise individuals. Still, he said, neither the hypotheses of organized crime nor that of subversives have been ruled out.

Outside the school, textbooks and notebooks, their pages fluttering in the breeze, and a backpack littered the street near where the bomb exploded. At the sound of the blast, students inside the school ran outside to see what had happened.

Officials initially said the bomb was in a trash bin outside the school, but later ANSA, reporting from Brindisi, said the device had been placed on a low wall ringing the building. The wall was damaged and charred from the blast. Sky TG24 said the device included three containers of fuel. It was unclear if the blast was triggered by a remote control or by a timer.

Public high schools in Italy hold classes on Saturday mornings.

The bombing follows a number of attacks against Italian officials and government or public buildings by a group of anarchists, which prompted authorities this week to assign bodyguards to 550 individuals, and deploy 16,000 law enforcement officers nationwide.

Minister Cancellieri indicated that after the school blast, authorities' sense of possible targets had been tested.

"Anything now could be a 'sensitive' target," she said, adding that the "economic crisis doesn't help." Austerity measures, spending cuts and new and higher taxes, all part of economist Monti's plan to save Italy from succumbing to the debt crisis roiling Greece, have angered many citizens, and social tensions have ratcheted up.

Brindisi is a lively port town in Puglia, the region in the southeastern "heel" of the Italian boot-shaped peninsula. An organized crime syndicate known as the Sacred United Crown has been traditionally active there, but crackdowns have been widely considered by authorities to have lessened the organization's power.

The brother of the slain anti-Mafia prosecutor , Alfredo Morvillo, a prosecutor in Sicily, told reporters in Tuscany at a ceremony to honor his slain sister and brother-in-law that the "Mafia angle is, at the moment, the most credible," ANSA quoted him as saying

"I say that because of the place and the timing," ANSA reported, in reference to both the name of the school and the many memorial services for the 1992 attack that were being held on Saturday.

Brindisi's mayor, Mimmo Consales, said an anti-Mafia procession was due to pass near the school Saturday evening. But Manganelli noted that many such memorial ceremonies were scheduled to be held on Saturday throughout Italy.

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Friday, May 18, 2012

Crossover Kings: Writers Who Can Do It All | Slacker Heroes

When most of us think about writers, a very specific form comes to mind: Books. Or comics. Or movies. Or any number of other kinds of media. When we hear the name Stephen King, we think of a guy (who looks like a serial killer, let?s keep it real) who has had success so huge as a novelist that it seems like something ripped from the fiction he writes. Think about it for a minute, and you?ll realize that the same thing happens when you focus on any genre.

The truth is that good writers, driven writers, tend not only to span genres in the medium that made them famous, but also to branch out to write other things. For the sake of simplicity, I?ll provide a list.

Neil Gaiman: One of the greatest voices in comics (Sandman, The Books of Magic), Gaiman is well-known around the world as a novelist whose work moves from modern fantasy (American Gods, Anansi Boys) to fairy-tale romance (Stardust) to macabre children?s books (Coraline, The Graveyard Book). Several of his works have been made into movies, though I?m still waiting for Gaiman?s epic collaboration with Terry Pratchett, Good Omens, to be turned into a major film. When Clive Barker raves about a book by saying, ?The Apocalypse has never been funnier!?, you know you?ve got a winner.

Speaking of Clive Barker?

Clive Barker: Known to many as the writer and director of the orignal Hellraiser film, Barker is an exceptionally talented novelist. His directorial skills and screenwriting abilities shouldn?t be underrated, but anyone who has read The Great and Secret Show or Weaveworld will probably tell you how engrossing and addictive those books are. Barker is a prolific author of novels, short stories, novellas, novelettes, and has even written a few comics. If you haven?t read anything of his, you should. If you haven?t watched any of his movies, I suggest Hellraiser if you aren?t easily creeped out, or Lord of Illusions if you are.

Joss Whedon: If you?re a regular reader on this website, chances are high that you know who Joss Whedon is. If you don?t know who he is, you A) don?t read anything on SH that often, B) have no interest in popular culture, or C) are dead. If the last is true, please stop using your ghost powers to read this article over people?s shoulders or whatever. It?s creepy.

Anyway, Whedon has written movies (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) and TV (Also Buffy the Vampire Slayer. But not to forget?Angel, Dollhouse, and?Firefly.). He?s a director as well, most notably that of this summer?s blockbuster, The Avengers. In addition to that, he?s written quite a large number of comics, all of which have been very well-reviewed. Runaways, The Astonishing X-Men, several Firefly comic adaptations? and, yes, the continuation of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. In comic form. He?s like a bad cough. The dude just spreads?unstoppably.

J. Michael Straczynski: He?s probably the ultimate renaissance writer. Joe (and I use his unused first name because ?Straczynski? is hard to spell) has done it all. He?s written and directed a metric ton of television, most notably his pet series Babylon 5, which a lot of science fiction fans don?t like. But that?s because they?re scared of the pure, unadulterated awesome that B5 was. Joe has been a screenwriter for decades, has written several movies, three novels, dozens of short stories, a stage play, even radio dramas, which I was pretty sure stopped existing in reality right around the time human beings realized they could put pictures to recorded words.

Good ol? Joe has written so much stuff that it?s almost pointless to list out examples of each. Some of his best work (aside from Babylon 5, of course) has been in comics. Joe wrote the landmark series Rising Stars, one of the best regular series in comic books pretty much ever. The Wikipedia entry on Joe?s comic work is extensive, but my favorite recent work of his was the relaunch of Thor a few years back. I don?t think anyone has managed to make the contrast between ancient Asgardians and the human race so touching and dear, yet also hilarious and realistic, quite like Joe. And that from a guy who writes across all genres and forms of media. To be so profoundly talented in so many areas is pretty much insane.

Now, don?t go calling me sexist. I realize there are no women on this list, but that?s because of my experience. Most of the people I read are male, and those tend to be the ones that I look into a bit more. I?m sure Mortari, my fellow Slacker Hero and fount of feminism and philosophy, can point out any number of societal reasons why I?m not aware of any female writers who fit this mold. If so, I hope she shares, because I?d love to add more material to my reading collection.

Which is the whole point. If talented writers with skills across the board sound like a good deal to you, then go forth and Google things. I promise, you?ll have to look very hard to find work by any of these men that even comes close to disappointing you.

Joshua Guess is an independent author who just can?t seem to stop writing. You can follow him on Twitter and Facebook, where you can learn about his new novel, Beautiful, a modern fantasy full of vampires, magic, and snark. Since March of 2010, he has also been writing Living With the Dead, a real-time fictional blog set in the zombie apocalypse, which is free to read online and available on the Kindle and Nook. His author blog contains links to all his work.

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How To Find Concrete, Ready Mixed, In Watford

How To Find Concrete, Ready Mixed, In Watford
by celinacony
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Finding a concrete ready mixed Watford company can be as easy as typing in an internet search and scrolling through the results; but what is ready mixed concrete and how do you know that the companies that you find are good ones to hire? When you conduct your internet search for concrete companies it is a good idea to look at customer reviews and to also talk to family, friends, neighbors, and business contacts about which company is the best for your needs.

Concrete ready mixed Watford companies will mix their concrete to a specific formula based on each specific job's requirements and then put it into trucks with rotating bins and then haul it to the work site; this is in contrast to site-mixed concrete which is mixed at the site and immediately put into concrete forms. Both kinds of concrete have their own benefits and disadvantages and some concrete companies will be able to offer both kinds to their customers. Some companies are even able to offer different sizes of trucks to aid with different kinds of jobs and to navigate in different kinds of traffic. This way if there is a road or bridge whose weight limit precludes a full-sized truck from traveling on it then a smaller truck will be more likely to be able to use the road or bridge and so get to it's destination more quickly.

Once a concrete ready mixed Watford company mixes their concrete and gets it loaded into a truck they have a time limit before the concrete "goes off" or sets, this is usually carefully timed in the mixing of the concrete and the rotation of the truck's barrel so that the concrete has plenty of time to get to it's destination before setting up. If you are a private citizen working on a home project then ready mixed concrete has the advantage of being mixed by professionals so that you don't have to worry about mixing it wrong by yourself; and, if you are a construction company working on a big project then ready mixed concrete has the advantage of saving your crew time by having someone else mix the concrete and bring it to your job site. This way your crew can be getting the concrete forms ready to go while someone else is preparing the concrete for the forms and the whole operation can go more smoothly.

Concrete Ready Mixed Watford - Concrete Express provides ready mixed coccrete at your place with less cost in Watford, UK.

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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Quienes compren computadoras con Windows 7 despu?s de junio, podr?n actualizarse a Windows 8 pagando un peque?o costo

Por Isabel Valenzuela el 16 de May del 2012 | Sin comentarios

A muchos les ha pasado que, al adquirir una computadora dotada con la ?ltima versi?n de un sistema operativo, ven como ?ste se actualiza a un nueva edici?n y deben comprar una licencia para poder acceder al nuevo SO.

Microsoft pens? en ello y, quienes compren una computadora con Windows 7 instalada a partir del mes de junio, podr?n actualizarse a Windows 8 por s?lo $15 d?lares, una peque?a fracci?n del precio real de un sistema operativo de Microsoft.

La iniciativa, que si bien no ha sido confirmada por Microsoft es un secreto a voces, ser?a valida para quienes tengan instaladas las versiones Home Premium o superiores de Windows 7, dejando fuera a las m?s b?sicas.

?ste tipo de programas son bastante comunes en la industria. El a?o pasado, Apple entreg? una versi?n gratis de su OS X Lion, a quienes compraron un Mac con Snow Leopard en los meses anteriores y posteriores al lanzamiento del ?ltimo sistema de la manzana.

El programa de Microsoft, considera ofrecer una actualizaci?n a la versi?n Pro de Windows 8 para computadoras, es decir, la m?s completa de todas, nada mal por s?lo $15 d?lares.

Cuando sali? Windows 7, Microsoft ofreci? una actualizaci?n gratuita a quienes compraron computadoras con Vista, aunque era para la versi?n b?sica y, ?ste 2012, ofrecen la edici?n m?s avanzada a un precio bastante decente.

Con ese tipo de iniciativas, no s?lo se mantiene al cliente contento, sino que se previene la pirater?a, ya que no es ninguna gracia el haber gastado cientos de d?lares en una computadora nueva, para luego enterarte que deber?s desembolsar m?s de cien d?lares para actualizarte al nuevo Windows.

V?a: Fayerwayer

Categor?as: Microsoft, Novedades, Windows, Windows 7, Windows 8
Etiquetas: 15 dolares, actualizacion, Microsoft, Windows 7, Windows 8

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Fake pig ears latest China food scandal: report

AFP - Police in China are investigating after the discovery of a batch of "fake" pigs' ears reportedly made from gelatin, according to state media.

In the latest food safety scare to hit the country, the bogus ears were discovered in a market in Ganzhou city in the eastern province of Jiangxi in late March after a customer complained of a strange smell when cooking them, the state-run China Daily newspaper reported.

Food safety officials tested the "ears" and found they had been made from gelatin and the chemical sodium oleate, commonly used in the production of soap.

China's government has repeatedly vowed to improve food safety as people grow increasingly alarmed about the quality of what they eat, but scandals still occur due to weak enforcement and unscrupulous business practices.

Photos circulating online showed local officials examining a box of the fake ears, which appeared light-brown in colour and to have a plastic-like texture.

The China Daily quoted an expert as offering a sure-fire method for telling real ears -- a popular delicacy -- from fake ones, saying the genuine article should have hair and small blood vessels.

The Jiangxi provincial health department could not be reached for comment on the latest case.

The investigation into the fake ears comes as authorities launched a probe into vegetable sellers in the eastern province of Shandong for spraying cabbages with the harmful chemical formaldehyde to keep them fresh.

Last year authorities arrested more than 30 people over the sale of cooking oil made from leftovers scooped out of gutters.

And in 2008, milk was at the centre of one of China's biggest food safety scandals when the industrial chemical melamine was found to have been illegally added to dairy products to give the appearance of higher protein content.

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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Some Practical Weight Loss Tips - Fit Healthy Well

May 16th, 2012 by author

Many people have a hard time losing weight due to all of the conflicting information floating around in the media and online these days. There is so much contradiction that it can make weight loss seem like an impossibly complicated pursuit. The fact is, weight loss is not complex. It just takes reasonable goals, consistency and patience. A workable weight loss plan is one that is gradual, flexible and can be reasonably carried out in the long term. People can also try the boxing gloves and the fitness gear to stay fit.

Change your relationship with food! Realize that you need good food to stay healthy and strong. Eating is nothing to be ashamed of, and having a good appetite is a positive thing. Pamper yourself by purchasing the best whole, natural foods and learning how to prepare them well. Only eat delicious food. If a food is mediocre, don?t eat it.

Learn to make smart substitutions and measure your choices mindfully! When you do this, you will be able to enjoy dining in any venue and still adhere (at least loosely) to your diet plan. When you go home, don?t agonize over having gone off your plan a bit, and whatever you do, don?t allow yourself to fall into the trap of, ?I already blew it, I might as well pig out!? That?s nonsense. Just get back on track and move forward.

Make pure water your best friend! One of the best, most available and most economical health and beauty aids is pure water. Benefit yourself and the planet by purchasing an economical water purifying pitcher and substituting fresh, pure water for all of your other drinks. This change, consistently applied, will make a tremendous difference in your health and fitness level, and you may find the pounds just falling off!

Don?t starve yourself! Be sure to get plenty of protein to prevent hunger! Choose a good, pure form of healthful protein such as lean meats and fish, nuts, beans, tofu, eggs, and even cheese. Healthful, natural protein is good for you. As long as you make mindful choices about the amount you eat (not more than a quarter of your total food intake) it will not cause you to gain weight.

One of the very best weight loss tips ever is to eat healthful portions of healthful foods. By eating an abundant diet of that is half fresh fruits and veggies, a quarter whole grains and a quarter high quality protein choices, you will improve your health and fitness levels and attain and maintain your ideal weight for life.

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AFP BLOG: International News: Civil society ministers to go head-to ...

Civil society ministers to go head-to-head in live ?question time? debate - Civil Society - Finance - News - providing news and in-depth coverage of charities, voluntary organisations and not-for-profits: Civil Society Media is to host a live question time-style debate with Nick Hurd, Gareth Thomas and Sir Stuart Etherington as the coalition government reaches the end of its first two years in power.

Chaired by Charity Finance editor Andrew Hind, the minister for civil society, shadow minister and NCVO chief executive will answer readers' questions and debate key issues affecting the sector on 16 May, with exclusive films and coverage shown on the next day.

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OilVoice: Afghanistan to pump oil within months

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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Hands On: HTC Evo 4G LTE Is a One X in Sprint Clothing

The HTC Evo 4G LTE is exclusive to Sprint, but on the inside it's essentially the same phone as the AT&T-exclusive HTC One X. And that's a good thing.

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Accuser tells tale of 2 wives at Clemens trial

Former Major League Baseball pitcher Roger Clemens, and his attorney Rusty Hardin, arrives at federal court in Washington, Tuesday, May 15, 2012, for his perjury trial. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

Former Major League Baseball pitcher Roger Clemens, and his attorney Rusty Hardin, arrives at federal court in Washington, Tuesday, May 15, 2012, for his perjury trial. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

FILE - In this July 6, 2011 file photo, former Major League Baseball pitcher Roger Clemens, and his wife Debbie Clemens arrive at federal court in Washington. As he recounted, year by year, a complicated relationship involving Roger Clemens and performance-enhancing drugs, Brian McNamee also weaved in a tale of two wives. It was McNamee's wife's nagging that prompted him to save the physical evidence that has become crucial to the government's case against the storied pitcher, and it was a request from Clemens' wife that lead to what McNamee called a "creepy" bathroom injection scene in Clemens' house. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon, File)

Former Major League Baseball pitcher Roger Clemens arrives at federal court in Washington, Tuesday, May 15, 2012, for his perjury trial. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

FILE - This Feb. 26, 2006 file photo shows Roger Clemens, left, throwing as strength coach Brian McNamee looks on at the Houston Astros minor league baseball mini camp in Kissimmee, Fla. McNamee described for jurors, Monday, May 14, 2012, in the first day of his testimony against his former client and friend, a relationship that had the hallmarks of an illicit affair _ except their secret was steroids. (AP Photo/Steven Senne, File)

Former trainer Brian McNamee arrives at the federal court in Washington, Monday, May 14, 2012. McNamee, Roger Clemens' chief accuser testified Monday against the former pitcher, a make-or-break moment for the prosecution as it seeks to convict Clemens of perjury. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)

(AP) ? Amid his year-by-year narrative of his complex relationship with Roger Clemens and performance-enhancing drugs, Brian McNamee weaved in a tale of two wives. He said it was his own wife who nagged him into keeping evidence that has become crucial in the trial of the storied pitcher, and it was a request from Clemens' wife that led to what McNamee called a "creepy" injection scene in a bathroom.

Clemens' longtime strength coach testified Tuesday for a second day in the perjury trial, pushing his running total to roughly 10 hours on the stand, including the first few moments of what portends to be a grueling cross-examination that will continue Wednesday. The broad outline was familiar from McNamee's previous statements: He said he injected Clemens with steroids and human growth hormone in 2000 and with steroids in 2001, and he gave Debbie Clemens a shot of HGH in 2003. That was in addition to the testimony he gave Monday, when he spoke of a series of steroids injections he said he gave Clemens in 1998, when he was pitching for the Toronto Blue Jays.

He went on to describe his marital problems, money problems and the legal mess that came about when he got entangled in the federal drugs-in-sports investigation that led him to become a reluctant but cooperating witness against one of the most successful baseball players of all time.

"It destroyed me. It killed me. ... I put myself in a situation where I had to do this," McNamee said. "I had to tell the truth."

Some details were new and fascinating, especially hearing them spoken out loud in a courtroom with Clemens sitting a few feet away. At one dramatic point, the adversaries were actually both standing, when McNamee rose from the witness stand and identified Clemens with an outstretched left arm: "He's right there with the brown tie." Clemens looked straight at McNamee, stone-faced and silent.

McNamee is far and away the government's key witness, the only person who will claim firsthand knowledge of Clemens taking performance-enhancing drugs. The former baseball great is accused of lying when he told Congress in 2008 that he had never used steroids or HGH.

McNamee again gave vivid and colorful details about injections. He appeared less nervous than he did on Monday, and his voice rose as he spoke of marital problems that he said developed in part because of his relationship with Clemens. The time away from home training Clemens meant McNamee didn't have time to take his wife and children to water parks and other family outings, he said, and his wife was concerned that her husband would become a fall guy at Clemens' expense.

"You're going to go down! You're going to go down! You're going to go down!" Brian McNamee said his wife, Eileen, told him in the "middle of a battle royale" argument.

McNamee said he thought "she might be right," so he kept the needle, swab and cotton ball from a steroids injection he said took place in Clemens' New York City apartment in 2001. He said he put the items in a beer can that he salvaged from the recycling bin in Clemens' kitchen ? a means of protecting the used needle from accidently stabbing himself ? and brought the can home. It was put in a FedEx box and kept in the house, an effort to "keep the home front nice and smooth," McNamee said.

Years later, McNamee and his wife began divorce proceedings, which are ongoing.

In his 2008 congressional deposition, McNamee said he also kept the leftover waste from the injection because he distrusted Clemens "to a degree." He didn't mention that reason on the stand Tuesday.

McNamee said he kept the evidence a secret ? even when he was telling investigators about injections he gave pro baseball players ? because he was hoping he could minimize the impact on Clemens. It wasn't until 2008, after McNamee was angered by a news conference at which Clemens' lawyers played a taped phone call that contained medical details about McNamee's oldest son, that McNamee retrieved his collection of medical waste and turned it in.

It was "beyond inhuman to do that to a kid," McNamee said. "He had nothing to do with steroids in baseball, my son."

The prosecution is expected to show that the evidence contains Clemens' DNA. The defense has called the evidence "garbage" and is expected to claim it is tainted.

McNamee said Debbie Clemens, whom McNamee described as a "fitness enthusiast," started asking about HGH during one of McNamee's regular multiday visits to train Clemens at the pitcher's home in Houston in 2003. On a later visit, he said Roger Clemens summoned him to the couple's master bathroom, where McNamee said Clemens' wife lifted her shirt so she could receive an injection near the belly button.

McNamee said he felt "creepy" because of the setting and because it was his friend's wife. According to McNamee, Debbie looked at her husband, and said, "I can't believe you're going to let him do this to me," and Clemens responded, "He injects me, why can't he inject you?"

Later in 2003, Roger and Debbie Clemens appeared together in a photo for the annual swimsuit issue of Sports Illustrated.

While McNamee said Clemens was present for the injection, Clemens has said he was not. One of the false charges Clemens is alleged to have made to Congress is that McNamee injected his wife without Clemens' prior knowledge or approval.

McNamee also frustrated the Clemens team by implying several times that he supplied Clemens' friend and ex-teammate Andy Pettitte with performance-enhancing drugs, a fact that the judge has ruled can't be uttered before the jurors because it might prejudice them against Clemens. While the jury was on a break, defense lawyer Michael Attanasio said McNamee's references to Pettitte were "shameful" and asked that it "stop and stop right now."

"He needs to be told again," U.S. District Judge Reggie Walton said, "not to make any reference to Mr. Pettitte."

The defense is expected to attack McNamee's integrity and motives, and Clemens lawyer Rusty Hardin offered a brief taste during 10 minutes of cross-examination before the trial recessed for the day. Hardin suggested that McNamee purposefully wore a tie with a logo to a grand jury appearance in 2010 to advertise a company for financial gain. McNamee said he has no financial interest in the company and that he wore the tie because his other one was wrinkled.

"I needed a tie," McNamee said matter of factly.

Even before Hardin got his turn, the government tried to pre-empt such questions by having its witness refer to several less-than-savory incidents. McNamee referenced false statements he gave to police during an investigation in Florida in 2001, and he spoke of financial worries resulting from a failed investment in a proposed new gym and his inability to find steady work after his name became publicly linked to steroids and HGH.

"I couldn't get a job. I have to work for myself," McNamee said. "I blame myself."

The trial is in its fifth week, and the tedium cost the proceedings another member of the jury Tuesday. Juror No. 1, a supermarket cashier, became the second member of the panel to be dismissed for sleeping. Her departure leaves 14 jurors, including two alternates.


Associated Press writer Frederic J. Frommer contributed to this report.


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Injury downs 'Dancing' queen Katherine Jenkins


Katherine Jenkins tries to collect herself after a stumble on "Dancing."

By Ree Hines

On "Dancing With the Stars," the semifinals almost always include desperate dances and sky-high scores, but this season, the penultimate performance show also packed something completely unexpected -- a twist.

But it wasn't the kind of twist that reality TV talent shows are known for. Instead it was an unwelcome twist of fate for one hoofer hopeful.

With the finals in sight and -- let's face it -- practically a lock for this season's "Dancing" queen Katherine Jenkins, the frequent leaderboard topper suffered an injury on the dance floor that cut her moves short and could spell trouble for her in what's left of the competition.

The opera star already had one judge-pleasing routine behind her with an earlier 29-point quickstep when she took the floor for what proved to be a problematic salsa. Long before the real trouble struck, Katherine struggled through a belly-baring, gyrating and thoroughly out-of-character dance alongside pro Mark Ballas. Then came the moment that rocked the star and shocked the audience.

Just as Mark supported her neck during a deep drop and attempted to maneuver around her, his leg caught hers and she was unable to support herself any longer. Suddenly the routine ended, and Katherine was left shaking while the pro and host Tom Bergeron came to her aid.

After the show, Mark told fans that he was sorry they "couldn't finish R dance," that Katherine had?suffered a back injury and he did his best to?"not let her fall at the end." During the program, Tom assured fans that she'd soon seek medical assistance for her lower back.

Until then, Katherine decided to stick it out through her obvious discomfort and learn her scores, which were -- injury or not -- generous to say the least. She later took to Twitter to reveal that she had suffered a "reflectorical spasm" in her lower back.

Head judge Len Goodman called her "Katherine the Great," Carrie Ann Inaba praised the routine as "so fantastic" and Bruno Tonioli simply urged her not to worry about what happened. They each backed up their comments with a 9 paddle.

Of course, one didn't need an injury to rake in higher-than-expected scores from the panel. In fact, time after time on Monday night, the judges pulled their 9 and even 10 paddles out, even though there really wasn't a single perfect dance to hit the floor.

The top performance of the night came from William Levy, who followed up a lackluster (but high-scoring) tango with a sexy, hip-shaking samba that, despite a couple of quick hold flaws, had the audience out of their seats cheering, and had Len raving about "the hunk with the junk in his trunks."

The fun but not-so-perfect dance earned the actor 30 points all the same.

Next up in the evening's rankings -- or the rankings as they should have been -- was wide receiver Donald Driver, who impressed the crowd twice in one night with an elegant waltz and a high-energy samba. Both efforts played it a little safe and featured flubbed transitions, but they were worthy of the semifinals, if not quite the 28 and 29 points they raked in respectively. ?

But the actual leaderboard leader of the night was Maria Menounos, who mesmerized the judges with a poorly postured 30-point Argentine tango and a 29-point jive that lacked most of the moves that define the dance.

With such high scores and mixed performances, it hard to say who's a shoo-in for the finals and who's about to bid the ballroom farewell on Tuesday night. William and Donald put on the strongest semifinal performances, but Maria had the advantage with the judges. And as for poor Katherine, loyal fans and sympathy votes could keep her in the running, but whether her injury will allow her to continue is the bigger question.

Will Katherine's injury factor in to your votes? Which stars deserve a spot in the finals and which one doesn't? Share your thoughts on our Facebook page. And be sure to join me and Anna Chan for our weekly "DWTS" live chat Tuesday at 3:30 p.m. ET.


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How important is Business sustainability for your small business

8:00 AM By Article Directory

'; div.innerHTML = summary; } //]]> How important is Business sustainability for your small business How important is Business sustainability for your small business

A sustainable business can be described as a business that doesn't compromise on the well being of environment or society while trying to earn profits for its stakeholders. Sustainable businesses are also known as green businesses, but that reflects on only the environmental aspect, whereas a truly sustainable business must operate in line with the society wellbeing. Businesses and corporations have become an integral part of societies, in a way that they influence the market, environment, society and even the routine lives of individuals.

"Sustainable Business" is a debatable phenomenon though, while environmentalists have a point to make, the opponents argue that it sidetracks the businesses from their original role in the society. The supporters claim that there's nothing wrong in businesses being more concerned about their profitability but if that starts resulting in some activities or policies that cast a negative impact on either the environment or society, that's not tolerable.

If you are a small business and looking to become a sustainable business, you should focus on the following aspects.

Environmental Sustainability:

You must have heard about the green business practices, while some businesses are just using the term to stand out from the crowd, a few have really started to incorporate policies and practices which are good for environment, for example refraining from using harmful chemicals in the manufacturing process or using alternative energy sources. Apart from the business practices, some businesses are heavily investing in research and developing sustainable products which are more energy efficient and recyclable. Consumers are often willing to pay more if they are getting some environmental friendly product, which means such products are good for both, consumers and the businesses.

Social sustainability: Corporations have been the subject of criticism in the past but the scrutiny has increased manifolds with an incredibly alert media and internet. Some bad move (in form of advertisement, marketing tactics or waste discharge) is quickly noticed and criticized by many. Businesses and corporations are obliged to think differently, however they can use this awareness for their advantage because some good initiative or policy will be noticed in the same manner and publicized on TV channels, newspapers or Blogs. It can be in form of donation or a company voluntarily deciding to do something which is beneficial to the society by and large. A small business, who cannot contribute to the charity causes, should at least adhere with ethical business practices.

William King is the director of UK Wholesale Suppliers & Free Trade Wholesalers Directory:, Wholesale Trade Suppliers Manufacturers & Wholesale Dropshippers: Canada Wholesale Suppliers and Dropshipping Directory: He has 18 years of experience in the marketing and trading industries and has been helping retailers, entrepreneurs and startups with their product sourcing, promotion, marketing and supply chain requirements.

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Lenovo shows off ThinkStation E31 workstation in two different sizes


Don't let that headline fool you: although Lenovo technically just unveiled one product, the ThinkStation E31 workstation, it actually shoehorned two distinct machines into one press release. Behold: a budget workstation available as a conventionally sized tower, as well as compact one. Whichever you choose, both support up to 32GB of RAM and are available with either an Intel Xeon E3-1200 CPU or a range of Ivy Bridge processors. Regardless of the size, you'll get nine USB ports, including four of the 3.0 variety. And, in addition to Windows 7 / XP, they're Windows 8-ready, and can run Red Hat as well.

It's at this juncture, though, that the specs start to diverge, with the heftier machine naturally offering more expandability. The full-size tower, for instance, can accommodate up to three HDDs, or 9TB of hard drive storage, while the smaller number makes room for two HDDs, or 6TB of space. (Either way, you can opt for solid-state drives.) On the graphics front, both will be offered with Intel's HD P4000 solution, but the upgrade options once again differ: expect a max offering of NVIDIA Quadro Q4000 graphics on the tower, and Quadro Q600 on the smaller guy. Intrigued? Both systems will start at $629, with the fuller-sized tower arriving on June 5th and the compact model following on June 13th.

Continue reading Lenovo shows off ThinkStation E31 workstation in two different sizes

Lenovo shows off ThinkStation E31 workstation in two different sizes originally appeared on Engadget on Mon, 14 May 2012 00:01:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Monday, May 14, 2012

Jaden Smith Releases "Give It To Em"

This is a busy time for the Smith family.

Will Smith is about to star in Men in Black III. Willow Smith is dyeing her hair left and right. And now Jaden Smith has released a new track titled "Give It To Em."

Jaden Smith Video Still

Raps Jaden in the single: Young, black with accessories/And I’m doing well, never seen a penitentiary/‘Cause they can’t sentence the greatest MC they’ve ever seen/No i’m not, but if you’re going to bother me, then you better be.

Alright then! Jaden will next continue his film career by starring in M. Night Shyamalan‘s After Earth.

Give his latest song a listen below.

Jaden Smith - "Give It To Em"

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Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day: A Tribute to Celebrity Moms!

Mother's Day is a wonderful celebration honoring our moms and celebrating motherhood, maternal bonds and the influence of mothers in society in general.

Here at THG, this means a little tribute to some of the celebrity moms we've come to know and love ... and also a bunch who could use some improvement.

On this 13th day of May, take a look at a 13 popular THG celeb moms (and 13 more who also have kids) in the poll below and vote for your favorite (and least favorite):

Blue Ivy PhotoJessica Alba and DaughtersObama Family Portrait 2011Jennifer Garner and DaughterWill, Jada and FamilyBrangelina, Kids PicGwen, Zuma and KingstonJim Toth and Reese Witherspoon

Who's your favorite celebrity mom?

Who's your least favorite celebrity mom?

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